Wednesday, October 14, 2015

It's been quite a while since my last post.  Well, that's because I haven't been working on the tractor but have shifted back to my timber frame shed project that I've been chipping away at for a few years now.  I'll post some pics of that later.  We had a pretty nice day today so I spread a load of composted horse manure with the old JD Manure spreader that I restored a number of years ago.  I bought it from a guy a few miles from here for a couple hundred dollars.  It was in rough shape but mechanically it wasn't too bad.  Here's what it looked like when I bought it.

The old wood was replaced with new (and what seemed like a thousand bolts), it got cleaned primed and painted and got new tires.  The new tires cost much more than I paid for the whole thing.  During the restoration Stephanie referred to it as "my girlfriend" because she felt I spent more time with it than her.  I begged to differ but that was a losing argument.  Here's what it looks like now in action.